Thursday, August 7, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dear family, friends, and gentle readers,

Here's what Thursday morning looks like today. Low clouds, cool temperatures - 60s.

This one, pointing inland through the canyon, indicates that the start of the break-up of clouds and that  it's clear on the other side of the hills, and before long, blue sky will win out.

Here's the view over the water.

If I have time, I'll add in an afternoon shot to show what happens in a few hours.

One of my blog readers who is a member of the community band I play in, complains that I just post "one dreary picture after the next." Like most human beings, I'll just blame God ... (I mean, I have no control over when my finger hits the shutter do I?)

Check back in later.


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