Friday, August 29, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Friday, August 29, 2014

Good morning, family, friends, and gentle readers,

It's Getaway Friday for Labor Day Weekend 2014. If you're checking in to read this at your office computer, then I'm so sorry...

It's blue on blue today.For those of you coming to the beach to soak up the sun, you will have chosen wisely. There's no point in showing any other viewpoint taken today, so I will backtrack to yesterday and Wednesday for a moment.

Thursday, at quitting time...

Some Malibu notes:

From yesterday, going home--on the right you see how the water is white and frothy, flaring out? That's the private beach are of the community called "The Colony" where very rich people live. In fact there is a household there (maybe they're still there, I don't know) who were so powerful that they got the county to disallow the school where I work from turning on the lights in its signature theme tower at night, because it bothered his non-Christian religious sensibilities (if you're close you can see the silhouette of a cross backlit).

Last Wednesday morning, on my way to work after
at short beach detour...
Anyway, that apron of white is usually not too large, but with the hurricane-induced high surf, it extends out quite a bit. The camera captures some of the whitecaps (indicating turbulence) that were all over the sea yesterday evening. If you live there, you paid eight figures for your house.

The long narrow strip of white on the left is the breaking surf of the famous Surfrider Beach. If you start on the right and things break just right, you can basically take what? A ride on the waves of about three city blocks? It's obvious from here how long that surf lane can be. Plenty of time to do some tricks and fancy maneuvers I'm sure.

In the middle of the above picture you see a curving dirt trail between trees on the right (the Colony) and the flat space on the left (Malibu Lagoon). The picture to the right is taken from that path, looking back up to the school--two pictures on opposite sides of the expanse.

An extended thought for the day:

Today is August 29 which I always remember as two people's birthdays; the late singer Michael Jackson whom I think of as an exact contemporary since he was born one day before me in 1958. I'm sorry he's gone--I have lost my yardstick in life to see how well I'm doing against the best of those babies born at that time.

The other person is Veronica Lopez who held  the role of receptionist and the office of "Hot Chick" at my first real job at an insurance brokerage in downtown LA back in 1980. Nearly all the senior managers and practically all the important clients were older men in suits, and in later years I came to understand she was strategic eye-candy and a flirting foil to put those guy-clients in a good mood while they waited for their account manager to come on out and take them back.

AND she was excellent at that. She never dressed revealingly. She moved with a deliberate and elegant swish. She had clear pale skin, deep brown hair cut short that bounced when she turned her head, and just the right amount of severe makeup on her face to make her look a little angry. She was frequently dressed in black and put in--no, make that posed--within a dark hardwood backdrop that was our reception area, setting her off such that she appeared to glow when she smiled to greet you as you stepped off the elevator. AND she never had time for the young men (all of us mere boys) in the office other than a polite greeting. That brokerage hired several other receptionist during my time there, of equal or surpassing physical giftedness, but never anyone who served the office so completely.

As men progress through their lives, certain females appear at pivotal points who fulfill the image of the ideal of beauty and grace when they are ready to learn that lesson. Veronica was one of those for me, an aspect of Helen of Troy whom the Goddess lets you gaze upon and appreciate (and they are not all young physical beauties). My advice to men is never marry those women, because they will eventually become just people who eat, burp, piss, fart, shit, make mistakes, and get drunk, sick and old, just like you. Once you have learned that lesson in beauty, you will get to see and recognize that ideal in the woman that you do marry, your daughters, your bosses and subordinates, and really all females. Keep the pedestals for the ideals.

How did I know August 29 was her birthday? She mentioned it to me one day in passing since the company policy was to give you your birthday as a holiday and she noticed mine was almost the same as hers. And of course, the friggin' male population in the office celebrated it with her ... come on!

Have a wonderful long weekend.


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