Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Retelling of Weavergirl and Cowboy for Seven-Seven 2014

Hello family and friends,

Click on this link because I have posted:
A Bedtime Story for Seven Seven just for you.

[Additional link added later:]
You can also find it on my audio project website

I mentioned in an earlier post that I would try to do something appropriate for Seven Seven, which is today.

This is a very old folk story that informs the Qixi, Tanabata, and Chilseok festivals in east Asia, also known as the Magpie Festival or the Festival of Vega and Altair.

It figures heavily into the novel that I am progressively posting for those who are reading it. I knew I would not get to the Seven Seven episode by this date, BUT I decided to narrate this retelling I did in a story I wrote for my children over 20 years ago within a novella called "The Tell-Tale Dragon" (yep, I've always been doing stories inside of stories for a long time).

If you don't know the base tale, Google it and then listen to mine. It's a redaction that works pretty good for our day and age. When you read one of the originals you'll know what I mean.

Google Blogger doesn't allow postings of MP3 files for some reason, so the link will go to my Tumblr account.

It takes about 22 minutes to hear. Enjoy and good night.


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