Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Good morning family, friends, and gentle readers,

This is Wednesday at the coast at 7:20 AM:

No also-ran today. they all looked exactly the same as this.

On Sunday morning, I was working at my computer when I get this feeling that I need to look out the front door. I've heard it said that sensitivity to the presence of fire is one of the most primal human characteristics. I got up and opened my front door and saw this.

This fire was to the west of me, just west of Highland Avenue, about three miles away. Apparently a plating company had a fire break out. I'm sure that was a pretty toxic cloud there. Anyway, I thought that such a contrast against the pure blue sky that morning deserved a snapshot.

It was more clear when you were there that once the plume hit a certain height it hit the inversion "ceiling" as you can see and just headed south with some diffusion to the north. I decided to go back out at 4-5 minute intervals just to see where the plume wanted to go.

By the time I was heading to church about 90 minutes later (last frame), it had dissipated, with hazardous particulate matter now free to circulate in our lungs.

You could not hear sirens from this distance, so it was just a visual phenomenon. Mildly interesting, but not spectacular by any means. But it gives me a chance to experiment putting a series of same-width photos here for you-all.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

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