Friday, July 11, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Friday, July 11, 2014

Good morning everybody,
It's Friday and it's still cloudy at the shore.

The clouds were practically touching the tops of the hills this morning, dropping sunshine onto one ridge, but not the other two around it. This of course looked a lot more ghostly, but the camera fuzzes things up.

Here's the view over the ocean. Kind of a sweeping sort of view, no?

I was working late last night and left the office around 9 PM. Here's a an attempt to see what the phone cam will do with an ocean lit by a full moon overhead. The sky was absolutely clear of cloud cover.

Not much I'm afraid. One probably needs a camera where you adjust shutter speeds and you probably need to use a tripod to do nightscapes. The whole ocean is silver white in moonglow on these kinds of nights. It's worth a trip out sometime to see it in person.

I hope you have plans for a nice weekend. Even though the 4th of July is long gone, my neighbors keep on celebrating--nothing launched in the air, mind you, but regular explosive sounds of firecrackers, whistling piccolo petes, and M-80s have continued through the week. Such patriotism! I'm sure they all vote Republican.


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