Friday, July 18, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Friday, July 18, 2014

Happy Friday to you all. Here's your picture:

That pretty much says it today. Other pics are only slight variations. Humidity is down and it's slightly cool when the breeze is blowing on you.

TIMELY UNSOLICITED TAX ADVICE: Just a reminder, if you are a Schedule C filer, RIGHT NOW in mid-July is a great time to look at your income so far, estimate how much more you're going to make and ask yourself "Have I put away enough taxes?" Because this is a good time to make corrections without causing financial hardship. Call your tax guy and have him/her run the scenario because you're probably leaving something out... 

Another orange flower on campus
I bought some bookcases and now finally all my books now have a place to be (writers always have too many books around). I figure that once that's done, the gods of fate and irony will now activate to do something that will cause me to have to change residence--let's see. Fate is always asking to be tempted, she gets bored easily.

Hope you have not only a nice weekend planned, but executed.


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Be truthful and frank, but be polite. If you use excessive profanity, I'll assume you have some kind of character flaw like Dr. Wong. Tks!