Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Wednesday, June 11, 2014

... and here's today's midweek photo at the coast.

Sorry it's blurry--the hand was shaky for all of them. It's clouds, so not like there was a lot of definition to start with. You can't see it so much here, but there were four red cars stopped at the red light below when I snapped this. An interesting happenstance.

I heard on the local news this morning that the phenomenon of "June Gloom," or late spring inversion with cool ocean and warm upper atmosphere occurs only in three other places in the world: Tanzania, the Canary Islands, and Peru.

Here's the bonus bookend from Tuesday, 6/10/2014:
When I was leaving for home yesterday, the overcast had been pushed back over the ocean, yet lower than that cloud cover were a few small wispy clouds.  You can kind of see them here.

Have a great Wednesday.


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