Friday, June 20, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Friday, June 20, 2014

Happy Solstice Eve! No June Gloom today.

Tomorrow will be the longest day of the year. If we were pagans, this would be a pretty busy preparation day, don't you think?

A calm sea as well--you can see the definition of different zones on the water's surface today.

Today's also-ran shoot is pretty much more of the same.

It's been a subtle crescendo to blue this whole week sky-wise. Dial back through and see where we've been.

On the subject of color preferences and how much we all like blue: Recently I wore my red pants to work and one of my colleagues, a young man who is very fashion-conscious, gave me a compliment on them. I was saying how once a male enters the workforce, he's handed a limited palette of grays, blues, browns, beige, and white, and told not to ever stray. But you're allowed to have color in your ties and your sports gear.

My colleague's observation was that it's women who like blue, and it's "us men" who like pink, which is why we wear the respective colors that we do. I had to admit he had a point.

I suppose men like pink because it's a stand-in for the color of flesh of the naked body (because we obviously always have sex on our minds right? Damn, who gave us that script anyway?). I have no speculations on what blue stands-in for to women.

And for us men who prefer our females brown, we probably like girls accordingly dressed. Excuse me, the UPS girl is walking by ... now where were we?

I have recently learned there is a genre of movies in Japanese cultural arts called "pink" movies--short films that feature naked-body sex scenes. Once in a while you can find them on Netflix. They can be quite artful--almost like cinema's version of paintings of nudes; eroticism without the porn element.

Have a great weekend and a nice loooong day (14 hours?) of sun tomorrow. Wear sunblock.


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