Thursday, June 19, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Thursday, June 19, 2014

Happy Thursday! Here's today's picture.

This one is best presented in horizontal scroll form, like a Chinese scholar would unroll a picture and enjoy as focus moved from side to side. I appreciate how the cloud bank on the right mimics the appearance of a mountain in opposition to the highlands on the left. And today the sunlight had a silvery quality.

And here we are just a little further to the west.

An old man's aside on TV commercials
I am very amused by watching television commercials nowadays, not necessarily for the intended messages of buying soap or cars or insurance, but how they are indicators of where the dials read on political correctness as interpreted by corporate PR managers and general counsel.

This is particularly true in representations of ethnic diversity. The bigger the company, the more they feel it necessary to put every significant ethnic group into the camera frame--and you can now verify this going frame-by-frame and checking them all off your list. If there's a crowd scene, they will ALL be there. The other way to ensure this with a minimal amount of camera shots is to make all couples and families interracial. TV Commercial Land is indeed the melting pot now--but not really. The players have to look "really," as in "really" black, "really" white, "really" Asian, etc. So the stereotype must still be used, but now in an almost regulatory way. It's terribly perverse--the virtue of inclusion must use the tool of its polar vice (prejudice based on appearance).

Of course, I think the easiest approach is to only hire Latino actors who are all the color of a brown paper bag, because as a group, they've got everything in them right there--and it looks to me like they are well on their way to being the next prestige group in the U.S., no? Filipino and other Pacific Islander actors would also rank high up there for me. Obviously I would make a terrible talent agent. But, moral and logical conundrums aside, it's good to see all kinds of people on TV (and I've done tax returns for several of these actors too, so it's good that these folks are getting work).

Have a great day.


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Be truthful and frank, but be polite. If you use excessive profanity, I'll assume you have some kind of character flaw like Dr. Wong. Tks!