Friday, June 13, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Friday, June 13, 2014

And a Happy Friday the 13th to you all!

If you're overly superstitious, I hope you've stayed in bed--you only make the rest of us nervous. I am of the age where you looked at the calendar for these days wondering the makers of the Friday the 13th Computer Virus were coming out with their upgrade rollout. Hasn't happened for years, so I guess we're all good.

June Gloom part 6 maybe? 

One visual phenomenon that happens and you kind of get a hint here is that the far horizon is bathed in a orange-rosy backlight making the skyline look like a golden city shining afar.

Here the also-ran, just a little to the left.

Sorry I missed the picture yesterday--the phone was misplaced for a day, but I think it was cloudy every morning.

I work with a lot of younger coworkers here, some of them very new to the school. We got called into the manager's office to be informed about a sudden  departure of a colleague. They were agitated and concerned about the recent spate of resignations--it was amusing  only because I'm so old and jaded. In the academic industry, this is the time of year everybody jumps ship who are moving to better positions. The economy is picking back up, so jobs are coming online and folks who have been delaying a move make it look like a rush for the doors.  It's also a good time for managers to cull deadwood before the fall school year starts back up. We live in a seasonal world and the labor market is no different. I just read notice of another three departures in my last several e-mails. In the end, we're all temp workers.

Those of you who are reading Three Loves Seven, I will get an installment posted tonight. Clete gets reacquainted with Ting Ting, the cousin who "man-handled" him in an earlier scene--seems she runs the local "Church of Dog Island." The next three installments are kind of my riff on what it would be like to attend the "First Church of Christ Syncretist." 

Have a great weekend and a Happy Fathers Day (for those of you who are not pissed off at your fathers anyway).


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