Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day, Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Happy Tiw's Day! Tiw is the Old English version of the god of war. I suppose those Old English guys picked the name up from the Romans who named that day of the week after Mars. War knows no boundaries, so it was the same god, right? But wait, war is all about boundaries ... hmmm.

Now I imagine ol' Ares/Mars/Tiw sitting wherever he does sorting out the prayers and devotion from soldiers of both sides asking him for help. I also imagine him saying, "You guys just work it out. May the best man win."

Anyway, here's your picture of the day.

Another monochromatic AM out here at the coast. No fog over the water, so the horizon is discernible.

Second shot: Over the land the clouds hang low this morning.

According to the weather guys, it'll be 90 today. Summer is definitely here. This'll all be blue in a couple of hours.

If you must make war, Tiw's Day may be a good day to do it. If you have to make a first-strike offensive gambit, remember to have the follow-up deflection plan ready for every possible response from your opponent and you'll be good to go. But if you can disable in one shot, all the better. Do it early in the week so that you have the entire rest of the week to hammer out the peace deal. Give your opponent a way to save face and you're golden.

All the best in love and war,

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