Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Malibu morning picture of the day - Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

Wednesday is here for you. The view from the western edge of the continental U.S.

I liked the swirl of clouds around Saddleback Mountain (to the left) but the only way to have "Robo-Phonecam" capture some of  it was to put the sun behind a tree. This is like a cheesy scene from a movie . . .

The Second Look: The play of blue against orange horizon and grey ocean was great this morning.

My Ex, when she was in her more religio-spiritual phase, had a belief that when your heart was open to compassion and empathy, and being otherwise strong and healthy, you nevertheless experienced unexplained and unreasonable pain, that it was an expression of God's answer to your prayer for an ill person's comfort--that God was redirecting some of that burden to you.

Now that I am become older, weaker, and more ill, that is a comforting notion when one has all manner of reason to be in pain, that unexplained relief may be the compassion of others at work.

Carry on through the day, Darlings. For as we have life, we have work to do.


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Be truthful and frank, but be polite. If you use excessive profanity, I'll assume you have some kind of character flaw like Dr. Wong. Tks!