Saturday, January 17, 2015

Three Loves Seven, Chapter 22, Part 3 - "We Will Take The Path of the Monkey"

Dear Gentle Readers,

Just to recap, Clete was in jail, a jail without doors, and yet he stayed put. But a group of Second Princesses freed him, abducting him to a hidden cave called The Cove, and leaving him bound in the dark while they prepared to make demands against their elders. He called out for help and was rescued by the Tortoise Guardian Princess, Ting Ting. Refusing to return via the underwater swimming route that was used to get him there (because of his fear of deep water) Ting Ting is now taking him through the maze of caves and tunnels that worm through the mountain.

Let us see how much further they get themselves in today's passage.

Thanks for reading.


And so the story continues ...

She flipped on her flashlight and shone it on the passageway we were about to go through. It was not tall enough to stand in so we worked our way in a stooped position. She handed the light to me.

     “Don’t you need this?” I asked.
     “No. You do if you get separated and lost. If you want to preserve the battery, just hold my hand and leave it off. Here’s the first break,” she announced. “The left-most.”
     “So if you’re coming down to the Cove, you will take the most right at that juncture?”
     “Correct. Two meters in we will seem to come to a dead end. But we will stand up, face the wall and we will ascend what we call a ‘chimney.’”
    “An upward climbing chamber.”
     “Correct. The pirates built these in so that all chimneys are climbed or descended in a count of eight, always starting with your right foot. They were done this way so that several men could all move through fluidly and quickly as needs demanded. The count of eight ends with your left foot at the target level. The route I am taking has four chimneys up and two down.”
     “How did you know to come looking for me?”
     “The Cove and the lower chambers are considered my domain. The upper chambers are considered The Outside. Communicating chambers bring sound up to a place where I frequent in my domain that borders The Margin. It was constructed this way so that the masters could monitor conversations in the chambers.”
     “So then the Sea Witch probably knows we’re on the way?”
     “I think she knows I am in the passages. I can’t be sure that she heard you yelling. I know she will hear our conversations in her domain for sure when we hit the fourth level. So after two more ascents we need to be silent.”
     “Why? Are we not supposed to be here?”
     “For someone who needs help, you ask too many questions.”
     “But if I get lost or separated I might have to make some judgments …”
     “Then you will have to impress me with your supposed algorithm skills.”
     “Everybody’s a comedian here.”
     “It’s your own fault. It’s contagious.”

We ascended to the third level and came to another break. I pulled back on Ting Ting’s hand, which I had been holding except when we were climbing.

     “Something the matter?” she asked.
     “Can we take the right passage here just for a second?”
     “Why? I don’t recall there being anything down that way. I think it dead ends into a room-size cavern.”
     “I just have a feeling. I get feelings. It’s not like we have an appointment to get to, is it?”
     “No, but I never like to linger longer in the caves than I have to.”
     “You’re right about that. I seen my share of collapses or running into bad air.”

I made my way down the right-hand passage, feet-first, as it went downhill fairly steeply. As told, we did come into a cave about the size of an American guest bedroom I noted as I flipped on the light.

     “There’s something here,” I said. “I feel it in my gut.”
     “Is this like your fear of the abyss?”
     “Whenever there is a void, a great emptiness I feel it. I fear it. That it will overtake me. It’s like a memory. But when there is a vast presence, an abundance, I feel . . . excited. Are you familiar with the English expression ‘a hard-on’?”
     “No. What is it?”
      “Umm… I will just say it’s rather like the opposite of the emptiness. Full. It’s the same feeling but a mirror image,” I said as I was compelled forward in my investigation. “Ah, yes. This is the place.”
     "Is there something here?"
     “Yes. But what? It’s not oil or gas. This is not the kind of terrain for them and there are no lateral indicators. What do you know about this mountain?”
     “Just that it’s filled with caves both naturally and with those dug by pirates. Flash the light around. Hey. There’s something in that crack there.”

I handed her the light and I got down on a knee and luckily I had enough fingernails to dislodge something that did not belong.

     “It’s an old coin. Doesn’t appear to be gold. Probably copper. Here, property of Dog Island National Trust . . .”
     “Treasures and booty were stored in these caves. I’m sure there are other things. Clete, you are a human metal detector. I am impressed. Is that what you were feeling?”
     “No. What I’m feeling is bigger. We should move on.”
     “You found this. You should keep it.”
     “No. It’s not my place. There is even a stipulation in my research contract with you that I cannot take possession of national artifacts.”
     “That may be so, but the Ley of Dog Island, both for The Outside and The Island is that if anyone finds something in the Pirate Treasure Caves, they are allowed to keep it. As the Guardian of this Domain I grant it to you.”
     “All right, but if I get this home and an appraiser tells me it’s more than $100, I’m selling it and sending you the proceeds. A man in my business does not need to have a reputation as a plunderer.”
     “I understand. So is that what your bloodhound nose is good for? Lost treasure?”
     “Not coins. Oil, gas, and mineral deposits. Damn! I wish I had my cargo shirt on. I could take some scrapings back to the lab for analysis. Hey, there seems to be a flow of water trickling though the wall, starting here.”
     “A storm is probably passing by. We had better move. These lower chambers can flood quickly and our path requires us to descend a couple of times before we get out. I think you would prefer not passing a chamber in black water.”

We did descend and one chamber had indeed pooled to waist high. I was so glad we did not have to submerge another level. I don’t know if I could hold my breath long enough to pass. Ting Ting said it’s always a risk that you’ll encounter a blockage and you might not have enough breath left to backtrack.

We eventually emerged into daylight. As I stuck my head out, it took some time for my eyes to adjust, even to the shaded environment within the rainforest canopy of The Outside. There was gigantic bo or banyan tree. I had heard these were commonly planted in village squares in rural China. This tree was the largest presence in a forest of large, old-growth trees.

     “The Empress Tree, I presume?”
     “Correct. A ancient marvel, isn’t she?”
     “It’s massive. So many air roots, and they are each tree trunks in themselves. If I were a kid, I think I’d be thinking they would be cool to climb up.”
      “I am glad to hear you say that, because that is exactly where we are going an what we will be doing.”
     “You’re joking.”
     “You’re serious.”
     “Quiet.  Stay back for a minute while I make sure the Sea Witch is not about.” She moved soundlessly out from the cave staying close to the wall, scanning left and right, up and down. She moved into the shadow of the nearest tree, glanced about and then motioned me over. “How limber are you?”
     “Oh, I don’t know.”
     “Can you climb a tree?”
     “Yeah, sure. I can climb a tree.”
     “Can you do it without grunting? We need to be REALLY quiet here.”
     “Please! I’m in great shape.”
     “Except for your recent hit on the head and your various bruises? And your weak right leg?”
     “How do you know all that? You know, in my country, it’s a an actionable offense to breach someone’s medical history.”
     “There are no secrets here. Follow. Let me know if I have to slow down.”

We moved under that green giant of a tree. There was a part of the main trunk that she took me to where she began her ascent. Copying her moves, it was as easy as climbing a ladder until the last foothold. As I bore down to push myself up, wouldn’t you know it? I made a very loud grunt. She cast me a dirty look. I must have looked like a wounded child because she then seemed to laugh at me with her eyes.

I pulled myself up into the middle of the Empress’s canopy and found it was almost like being in a large tented patio. The “pocket” of the trunk at its top where it spread out into many huge branches was like a room with an almost level “floor”—it was incredible. Ting Ting spoke to me in a whisper.

     “We are going to take what we call, ‘The Path of the Monkey.’ There is a way to traverse The Grove to one of its borders without ever setting foot on the ground. Shielded by the canopy we can go without detection. Are you sure-footed?”
     “I’ll be okay.”
     “Are you afraid of heights?”
     “How high?”
     “In certain places we will ascend quite high. Just don’t look down.”
     “Is this safe?”
     “I used to take this path all the time as a girl. I haven’t done it in a while, but if anything, the branches will be larger and able to carry more weight. Just pretend we are a couple of monkeys traveling in the trees. It is great fun. In fact, you just reminded me of something.”

She removed the two pieces of clothing that were her only hold on the concept of modesty. Turns out they were basically strips of cloth. She wrapped them around her calves, tying them off.  She loosed her great head of long hair.

     “What are you doing?”
     “Reliving my childhood. I used to love to run around in the canopy entirely naked. Just like a wild animal. The more I do not look like a human silhouette, the better it is to avoid detection below. It also puts me more in touch with my surroundings. You should do it too.”
     “Nuthin’ doin’. The ‘codpiece’ is staying on. I need to protect the family jewels.”

I noticed that like Qi, she kept a knife strapped on. In her case, it was on her upper left arm. I thought to myself that if young women back home would likewise display a show of force along with bared cleavage, midriffs, and legs, they’d probably get a lot less shit from boorish guys. I had to admit to myself that she looked pretty damn good for a woman the same age as me. Not curvy and soft like Qi. Ting was like a version of Qi with the physique of a tennis player, or ballet maestra, no, make that a circus acrobat.

As I followed her, I realized it is amazing what you find yourself agreeing to when you are in a strange land with even stranger people, cut off from all your usual cultural norms and inhibitions. I had no better plan so I complied with her directions. As I put my weight against a handhold on the Empress Tree, a piece of the tree broke off in my hand. I was about to drop it to the floor when I noticed a part of it felt cool to the touch, like metal. It was hard to tell what it was in the dark of the canopy, but I did see that it had a naturally formed hole. So I undid the strap of my fundoshi, threaded it through the hole and then refastened the top of my garment. I would look at it more closely later.

     “Something the matter?” asked Ting Ting, noticing that I was lagging.
     “Just retying my fundoshi. It’s been sagging ever since we went in to that water.”

As I looked up, dappled sunlight was falling on her body. She did look like a wild animal. And I decided she looked good too. And I wanted to follow her, just to cop a closer look at her. I expected this was going to be a strenuous ordeal, but for some reason I committed to the project.
She came over and took my hand and started me down a branch as wide as a trail and as sturdy as any bridge I’d ever stepped on. We proceeded easily enough through this part of the forest, the Bo trees entwined one another and stepping from the boughs of one to the next was easy enough. When we came to a stand of Teak, we had to ascend one or two stories and move along stepping from one notch to another. The trees of The Grove were in something of a regular pattern, a rectangular grid like that of a plantation. As near as I could tell, the next stand of trees appeared to be massive ebonies that were probably at least a couple centuries old.

     “Ting, these appear to be ancient ebonies! They’re indigenous to Madagascar and Africa. Why are they here? In fact, everything seems to be planted in a grid with separate species cultivated in groups.”
     “The Grove was planted according to the Great Prince’s design. The Grove was to be sacred to all gods everywhere. We will descend a bit after the three more branch crossings.”

This was a wood carver's wet dream. Just one tree would make a truckload of stringed-instrument pegs and bridges and black piano keys. I am observing abundant wildlife, parasitic plant forms, and other biological phenomena that I will input into the lab record. Personal observations in this canopy space: breezes are cool; there is an uplift of warm air in certain natural chimneys; I feel the intensity of the sunlight that hits my skin through the gaps in leaves; all these things I would not feel if I had on “proper” clothing. There is a lot of unusual fauna, especially insects and snakes. As with any rainforest biosphere, the true abundance is always in the canopies. And yet, it’s hard to call this a rainforest as it seems so artificial. It’s more like a plantation run wild.

© Copyright 2012 by Vincent Way, all rights reserved.

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