Friday, September 26, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy Friday people. Here's the gateway picture into the weekend:

A little more orange in the sunlight and we'd practically have my employer's school colors here. Clear and sunny expected on the coast. A good day to frolic on the beach.

No second picture. None are worthy to stand on their own. But here's a place I went to lunch during the week.

They light the place inside a la a public house before the advent of electricity, so there are candle lanterns on the tables. You can see large, evenly spaced windows on all sides of the structure to make best use of sunlight.

Even so, it's quite dim by modern standards, almost like the light level of a bar or cocktail lounge of today. It's the kind of environment that Disney Imagineers wish they could create, but their lawyers would tell them "no." They have chicken pot pies that surpass Marie Callendar's. Drinks are served in pewter mugs. This is one case where I'm glad we invented plastic. Water out of a pewter vessel imparts a slight metallic taste on the sides of my tongue. If you're curious where this place is, you'll have to e-mail me.

Hope you have nice plans for Saturday-Sunday. No polo matches for me this time. I have to do something like nail up repair siding on my house and start piling scrap metal into a heap to be taken away. Looks like a good weekend to grill a tri-tip. Come on over.


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