Monday, September 15, 2014

Camp Pendleton morning picture of the day - Monday, September 15, 2014

Good Monday morning, and a good new week to you all!

I was on the road this morning so we have the same sky, but a different locale.

This is from the highway as it passes through the Marine base in San Diego County. It's been hot and humid here wilting everybody around; affectations from a hurricane in Mexico.

If you are from Florida, like I know some of you readers are, it's just a normal day to you. Mere 90s. If I lived in a humid climate, I now know that I would probably look like a biker because I would always have a bandana tied onto my skull to sop up all the sweat that rolls onto my face, because I don't have hair up there. It's one of the most annoying things about being bald. May God always grant that you have a full head of hair.

Looking the other direction, here are the surrounding hills.

A commute from San Diego to Malibu takes a stinkin' long time people--I don't recommend it. Ran into at least five traffic jams along the way.

Hope you had a better start to your week. Grasp the day.


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