Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hello everybody, here's today picture:

OK sorry, this is not the usual ocean pic for the starter, but this gives you the sense of height of the hill I've got to walk up from the bus stop. It's tiring when you have arthritic knees. Oh, and there were deer out today.

The ocean is still there. Clouds on the horizon.

The car in the foreground is mine, a 1995 gold Nissan Maxima. It is SO nondescript-generic that when I first got it, it was hard to find in a parking lot. Reliable as hell though; I almost have her at 230K miles, but she'll be ready to retire soon. The medical bills are mounting and she's incontinent.

More deer for those who like them. 

One of my former bosses here who lived on a property next to the school, and tried to keep a vegetable garden, called them "gophers on stilts." He eventually gave  up on the garden idea. I think he also came to despise deer because his daughter contracted lyme disease which is frequently transmitted by ticks that live on those animals. 

I encounter them sometimes when I shortcut down the hill back to the bus stop at day's end. You can appear very suddenly to them when cresting the hill--very handy to know if I were a predator. I clap to let them know I'm approaching.

Years ago as I was walking up the hill, I came across a dismembered deer leg. Some coyote had not cleared his place at the table after dinner the night before. Shame!

That's all for today. Have a great Tuesday.


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