Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Malibu morning picture of the day - Twelfth Night, Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

A Merry Twelfth Night or a Joyous Epiphany or Jolly King's Day to you all! (Psst. It's the 12th day of Christmas. Will you encounter 12 drummers today? At least on your MP3 player? Well that's just great.

And here's what it looks like as we await El Nino 2016 Storm #2 on the coast. It's drizzling right now.

Gloomy and blue no? But moisture from the sky is what we crave, so a lot of people are very happy nonetheless.

1/5/2016 - 2 PM
Yesterday's Storm #1 was all done by lunchtime and it eventually turned into these relatively clear skies for the rest of day and evening.

1/5/2016 - 5 PM

Twelfth Night/Epiphany
3 Kings in a Swiss Church's
So, did the priest drop by last night and smudge the letters "C M B" on your house and barn? What! Better get on it if you want to keep away the witches and devils from your bounty. Been a while since you've even see your priest? well then ... you at least did your Epiphany Eve smudge pots last night right?

Image result for three kings
3 Kings Disney California Adventure style!
The letters stand for the names of the 3 kings: Casper, Melchior, and Balthazar. Or they can stand for Latin prayer: Christus mansionem benedicat. "May Christ bless this house."

Whatever you do today, or tonight, if it's something festive, consider yourself part of a lot of happy stuff going on around the world. I'd explain it a little more for you, but I've gotta pay the rent. So Google it. As for me, I'll decide to either watch a production of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night or see if I can find Amahl and the Night Visitors by Menotti on YouTube.



The 31-Day Paleo Journal
Weight: 232 clothed
Evening blood pressure: 130/85
B-slices of ham
L-boiled eggs and green pepper
D-avocado, boiled shrimp, apple
Drink-green tea

Rising: easy at 6 AM
General alertness: moderate
Fatigue: none during day; moderate in evening
Sinus congestion: moderately stuffy
Descending stairs: wary
General joint pain: minimal
Body temp: generally OK

No evening drowsiness during the intense drive home
Descending 200+ steps to the gym scales did not induce great pain

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