Friday, July 31, 2015

Malibu morning picture of the day - Friday, July 31, 2015

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

TGIF people. Here's your photo of the day!

And here's the second look--pretty much the same as Tues-Wednesday eh? We can't seem to get rid of morning June Glume. Oh well, July ends today and let's see what the Dog Days of August bring us...

And as mentioned the day before yesterday, some additional detail of our Spanish Dancer from Wednesday.

 Here's the whole thing. This was taken near daybreak, so the bright dawn sun is washing out the to bottom right corner.

Here are details of the roses to the right. They've been freshly watered as you can see. This artist was showing off this skill.

Artist Goode is quite skilled at trompe l'oeil marble too. Normally you might have to sit inside an Italian restaurant and order a plate of spaghetti to enjoy this kind of wall art, but here you get to have her while you're pumping gas.

Now lets' get a look at the corner ornaments on the left and the lavender rose.

I think the security door going into the side of the building (it's a taco stand as I recall) almost looks to me like part of the fretted neck of a guitar.

And here I leave you with a context shot.

Smile when you see her as you cruise down Beverly toward The Grove would you? Maybe she'll smile back.


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