Friday, July 10, 2015

Malibu morning picture of the day - Friday, July 10, 2015

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

Artist: Damarak the Destroyer, Sick Puppy, linoleum print
Been really sick this week, so the blog has gone untended. Been forcing myself to work just because of fiscal year-end projects (and I will crash this weekend) so have needed to budget limited stamina.

Found this picture on a search for a sick puppy graphic and it made laugh so much I coughed up a whole jar of lemon-yellow, mustard-like gel. Goes by Damarak the Destroyer and his/her stuff is pretty witty. Check it out.

Yes, yes, little girl, Pop will go to Urgent Care tomorrow just to make sure, so calm down.

Here's today's blue sky anyway. Have a great weekend.

Very serenely blue out here. Calm outside, insane inside.


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