Monday, July 6, 2015

Malibu morning picture of the day - Monday, July 6, 2015

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

Happy Monday to you all. It looks like June has come back for a day doesn't it?

Well, the clouds were colorful over the Hollywood Bowl for the Smokey Robinson fireworks concert a few nights ago.

Hope you all had an enjoyable 4th of July weekend. Mine was pretty good. Smokey did a great job for an old man. It's amazing how he has kept his pipes in performance shape.

The conductor of the Bowl pops orchestra had a very energetic almost child-like approach to her conducting style, one Sarah Hicks. She long, straight brown hair and a fashion sensibility that was not fussy or overdone, but definitely all-girl, seems Asian, but not. I Googled her when I got home, and sure enough I can smell a Hapa a mile away (I raised six of them after all). Nice job Maestra.

Spent 4th of July with my nearby grandchildren (some of my favorite Hapa people). I think one of them gave me a 24-hour bug (as they frequently do), so I enjoyed Friday off, but Sunday was spent in bed suffering. But that's OK. It's nature's way of making sure one generation doesn't stick around too long and use up resources for the up-and-coming. Think of that way and it's ALL good...

Time to git to work. Carry on you all.


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