Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Paleo-Disney Streetart and Malibu AM pic of the day - Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Dear Family, Friends, and Streetart Lovers,

We're back after a break and the Out of Bounds Gallery of the East Hollywood Online Streetart Museum is here with a Tuesday offering.

Artist CA Axis Lyte(?), Paleo Disney Wall, paint on brick wall.

Sometimes you run into a brick wall and it's a good thing.Who is this monstrous blue creature on the wall? If you're an animation nerd, you'll recognize him as a tribute to Oswald the Rabbit, Mickey Mouse's senpai, a creation of a young Walt Disney whom he had to leave behind at the company he used to work for. There's another large-toothed creature living in his mouth, but the world of 1920s cartoon characters were pretty damn surreal (you would be too if you just came out of WWI, talk to your history and philosophy profs about that ...). The more modern Donald Duck seems to have a chokehold on Oswald, but I'm sure it will be to no avail. Those early characters were quite flexible.

Here we have a cigarette-smoking house amidst name art.

And looking on suspiciously from the right, I believe we have the original King Kong? But here's the whole shootin' match:

You'll find this in Downtown Long Beach, somewhere near the first Blue Line stop coming up northward from the terminus. There a lot of dang stuff on the walls down there. I'll share some more later.

But right now, here's a dose of June Glume today:

With more clouds over the ocean.

Enjoy the coolness because it'll be sizzling summer before you know it.

Have a wonderful Tuesday all of you.


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Be truthful and frank, but be polite. If you use excessive profanity, I'll assume you have some kind of character flaw like Dr. Wong. Tks!