Thursday, May 5, 2016

iT'S STreeTarT THurSDay iN K-TowN w/Malibu morning pic of the day - Thursday, May 5, 2016

Dear Street Art Lovers and all the rest,

This week we venture just a bit south of East Hollywood, but not too far. I was walking the streets of K-Town recently, getting some lunch while I was running my annual tax clinic. I was miffed that I had cut down a street to get a shot of a mural I had spied one night, vowing to return in broad daylight, but some restaurant was unloading and assembling a bunch of commercial ranges right in front of it, on the street. The NERVE!

So I walked a few steps and looked into a parking lot and found what appears to be a Dourone mural. If it's not that guy's, someone copied his logo.

Artist Dourone impersonator, I Am Dourone, paint on building.

It's certainly weird and surreal enough to be a Dourone, but this is not the usual kind of place that he gets a commission to do.  In any case, here we have it, and I present to you.

You can find this work in a parking lot as you are heading north on Oxford just past 5th Street. It'll be on your left (west).

On the far left we have this vertical typography which seems to spell out "KLIPP."

Then we have this red figure peering out of a wood-grain box with a doorway.

After that we have this semicircular machinery (done in hot-dog stand colors) surrounding a yellow brain (see 1st figure).

Then we have this section which gives us another doorway, some large bubble text, a bit of psychedelia, and then a silhouette of a man with a red brain.

I thought this blue field with dots, slashes, and infinity was pretty cool in and of itself, so I have a detail here just for you.

There sure is a LOT of brainy stuff in this work.

I put it on its side here. I just like it that way.

And so, let me give you the whole thing in context. Do you have a gloss on this? I don't. But it's certainly a literally cerebral piece.


They May Grey continues--60s on the coast they say.

We'll see you tomorrow!


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