Thursday, October 20, 2016

iT'S STreeTarT THurSDay iN eaST HoLLyWooD! Thursday, October 20, 2016

Dear Street Art Lovers,

Last week I shared with you a wall of eyes on the side of a bakery. Today we have another installment in that theme with another wall of eyes:

Artist #artofchase and #topofoto, Wall of Eyes, paint on two-storey building (2015).

This building sits at the corner of a 6-point intersection  where Sunset Blvd. meets Hollywood Blvd, Hillhurst, Virgil, and Sunset Drive. You can almost fall asleep waiting for your turn at a stoplight here. And if you're crossing the street? You gotta look every direction and be ready to run. No wonder this building thinks it's got to have so many eyes open ...

There are more on two other sides as well.

But have no fear, there are other body parts to take in as well:

In case you think this looks familiar, yes we've seen these eyes before on a previous posting:

There's even a spot on Melrose where you see these eyes. I can't find them right now, but I'll give to you some day.

Well, Thursday's about over. Enjoy what's left of it.


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