Friday, August 5, 2016

Butterflies of La Cienega and Farewell to the Malibu Morning Picture of the Day - Friday, August 5, 2016

Dear Gentle Readers and Fans of the Malibu Morning Picture of the Day,

Today is my last workday on the campus of my employer whom I call "Malibu Community College." My office is being relocated to the lovely village of Calabasas on the other side of these Santa Monica Mountains. I will miss the daily ocean view, being able to see the vista and the water in all types of weather, all year round; most Angelenos will get to the shore during the summer months.

It's been my mission the last few years to show it to you all year long so that it's no mystery. I hope you have enjoyed it. Only millionaires get to see this all-year, all-seasons view, as well as our students who pay lots of dollars to live here for 4 years, and the handful of us Malibu daytime population "worker-bees."

Artist unattributed, Dream Big Butterfly Field, paint on commercial building.
So the Malibu Morning Picture of the Day blog comes to an end. The Street Art component will continue on but I'm putting that on hiatus for a bit as I rethink this web presence. As a cheerful exit I offer this wall of butterflies that is to be found on La Cienega Blvd. just north of Melrose. A reminder that as one thing goes away and dies (like a caterpillar/cocoon), something new inevitably follows like a moth or butterfly.

And here's the PANO shot

The view from Malibu, for the last time:

And of course, wouldn't you know it? We have a repeat of June Glume. The So Cal coast is just like that, so this is very appropriate.

Took a PANO shot too.

And who knows? If I can find a regular vantage point in the West Valley that is similarly interesting to track day after day, why not? Wish me luck. Thanks for following along on this journey. Pops will have further messages definitely, so do drop in.


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