Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Malibu morning picture of the day - Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

And a very happy 4/20 to you all today!

The coast is clear as you can see.  Good thing too. Lots of space for combusted particulate matter to move about as people celebrate this uniquely American "alcohol-iday."

Image result for taco bell tacoIf you're not the kind who seeks to get his or her mind bent, why not go to Taco Bell tonight and get a dozen crunchy tacos and participate in that way at least?

"We have ways of making you comply ...
but we do provide loincloths
to preserve personal dignity and modesty."
"Yeah, but did you wash it since
the last use?"
"Picky picky."
"Upset that I got a bigger dick than you?"
"Not for long..."
If you're the kind who seeks not altered consciousness, but altar consciousness, on 4/20 of 1227, Pope Gregory IX gave a little job to the Dominicans to seek out those among the faithful who had fallen prey to heresy and non-compliance, and get them back on track, to "Make the Catholic Church Great Again!" One earnest fellow who took his new job to heart was Robert le Bougre, a former heretic. In one day he burned 180 heretics at the stake to save them. They say there's nobody more dedicated than "a convert."

"Hey Bougre! Mind if I smoke?"
"Wise guy? Keep the tinder wet
 under that one."
Here he is in 1239 just a few years later correcting some of those pesky, errant Cathars. Good thing there was a painter around to capture the scene for us.

People at the time quipped, giving a nickname to the Dominicans, Domini canes, meaning "Dogs of God" in Latin.

Arf! says Sandy.

If all that historical detail makes you anxious, it's a good day to relax and enjoy the civic freedom we Californians have sacrificially shed blood and treasure upon our sacred honor to attain. So, light up and lighten up California.

Have a fabulous 4/20 Taco Wednesday!


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Be truthful and frank, but be polite. If you use excessive profanity, I'll assume you have some kind of character flaw like Dr. Wong. Tks!