Friday, March 18, 2016

Malibu morning picture of the day - Friday, March 18, 2016

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

We woke up to an overcast sky this morning in So Cal.

... so we did NOT get another Blue-on-Blue day. Nice to get a surprise. Here's more consistent cloud cover over the south ocean. So, some nice diffuse light this morning (some would call it dreary).

One of the advantages of working at my employer (you know, I think I'm just gonna give it the nickname Malibu Community College or Tongva Christian University from now on ...) is that there's a museum on site and really great exhibits come through and I need only take a 10 minute walk from my office to see anything.

Have you got the Andy Warhol Campbell's Soup Cans where you work? Hah! Take that!

If you're with Bank of America, that would be you. These are from the BofA Collection. However, I somehow suspect you need to be a certain pay grade to access them at BofA (I used to work for them back before the invention of the Internet ...).

This was taken yesterday. Went home and had a can of Campbell's in solidarity.

Hope you have a great weekend in store.


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