Thursday, February 18, 2016

iT'S STreeTarT THurSDay in eaST HoLLyWooD! w/Malibu AM pic - Thursday, February 18, 2016

Dear Street Art Lovers and Dear Hearts,

Before Valentine's Day 2016 gets too far way from us let's give that celebration of love a good ol' East Hollywood tribute send-off in street art shall we?

Artist unattributed, Love-Rise over the City, paint on nondescript warehouse.

If you drive east and west on Santa Monica Blvd. through south Hollywood, zipping past the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, your eyes will eventually settle on this which is on one of the west-facing walls.

It seems so simple, so optimistic, so damn cheerful. And yet cropped off to itself it almost feels kind of isolated, lonely, and cold. Or maybe I just like to find irony in everything ...

I do think this was probably commissioned by the building owner and a group of artistic young people got this jam together. It just has that kind of vibe, versus risk-taking, rebellious street urchins. Here's a context shot. I took this on a hot day, so there was ambient warmth about it at the time.

Well, in keeping with the spirit of cheerfulness, I'm giving you a preview panel of something that I'll probably put up on Tuesday. It's a celebration of home arts.

So what part of L.A. would you guess that this ode to domesticity comes from? I will let you wonder about that and discuss it next week when I put the rest of it up. So, stay tuned, if you're curious that is. I don't know about you, but I'd be a bit concerned about birds walking around in that bowl of custard(?) bottom left--you know, feathers, and other  ... stuff.


[created at noon Weds. previous] According to the weather report, Thursday is supposed to be rainy. Let's see if the reporters are worth their keep and if cloudy, drizzly scene is what I'll have to post here...

Hey, we did have rain last night. Residual clouds are out this morning. I particularly liked this one chain of low clouds just hanging out under the upper layer, with some parts catching filtered sunlight.

Here's a big-sky shot.

So, this makes, at least for L.A., El Nino 2016 Storm #5. They haven't called off the drought yet. But I'll enjoy this rain-washed atmosphere for today. Back up to summer temps on Monday.

Have a great Thursday.


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