Thursday, February 4, 2016

iT'S STreeTarT THurSDay iN eaST HoLLyWooD! with Malibu morning pic - Thursday, February 4, 2016

Dear Street Art Lovers and Gentle Readers,

We pick up from last week and give you the rest of the mural at the end of the Glendale Freeway--a celebration of motion picture imagery (or at least it seems like it to me...). Just by reminder, its a compound monohromatic treatment, part in B&W and part in a washed out sepia.

I also remind you that it's massive. Any of these single sections equal a pretty good sized panel for a large name-art treatment. And as I said, it's the end of the freeway. You need to stand in the middle of a lane of traffic to capture top to bottom and cars are coming at your at highway speed constantly, so you run out into a gap, take a shot, run back to the sidewalk; proceed several paces down the sidewalk, and repeat. Very exhilarating and potentially annihilating too. Great fun!

But enough talking. Here's the rest in succession going left to right:

Artist unattributed, The Movie Capital (details), paint on warehouse brick wall.

That last panel, right above, looks like any number of hyper-realist works that I have seen in galleries and museums. It's like this viewer is a late-20th-century person gazing into a early century collage-dreamscape.

I'll have to go back someday and figure out how to capture the entire thing in one shot. I don't think it's possible, but this piecemeal enjoyment is rather akin to the sense you have of it driving by. There are precious few pedestrians along this part of Glendale Blvd. There's a sadness or melancholy to this piece that makes me disquieted when I look at it. Maybe you feel it too?


It's Thursday on the Southern California coast, and here's what our little patch looks like today!

And here we have a view of the channel between the Palos Verdes Peninsula on the left and Catalina on the right. All blue, light breeze, calm sea, and still chilly in the 40s in the morning.

Time to pay the rent. Have a wonderful Thursday everyone.


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