Thursday, December 17, 2015

iT'S STreeT arT THurSDay in eaST HoLLYWooD! with Malibu morning pic of the day - Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

The last few days it been very cold in the morning here in L.A. 30s and 40s, and when you take the bus or drive around in a top-down convertible like I do, you really get to experience it.  Because I have been feeling kind of frigid, it made me want to bring out this mural that I recorded this last summer.  It has a very cold feel to it for me.

Artist unattributed, Russian Male Duet, paint on brick.

I don't know what nationality or ethnicity these two guys are, but for some reason I am thinking they are Russian. Now, this is Little Armenia and the locked parking lot where you find this off Hollywood Blvd. is very near a couple of overtly Armenian murals so these guys may be Armenians, but it hard to say definitively.

At first you think they are engaged in some kind of combat, but no. I'd say they're collaborating on some kind of mystical project, only hinted at by the floating red ball that has mesmerized the man on the left, and which the fellow on the right is either controlling or seeks to control. A wizard maybe?

The fellow on the right is certainly dressed for cold weather, and the fellow on the left seems to have some kind of fur hat since the black mass on his head seems to be more than hair.

You cannot get straight-on shot of this mural. Access to the yard is only by unlocking a gate. The best I could do is go to a neighboring parking lot and hold the camera over my head to peer over a brick wall.

This is certainly one of the most enigmatic murals to be found in East Hollywood, but doesn't looking at this picture just make you feel cold?


Absolutely not-a-cloud-in-the-sky, crystal clear day on the coast. Cold and breezy however.

OK gotta pay the rent. Have a wonderful Thursday.


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