Monday, November 2, 2015

Malibu morning picture of the day - Monday, November 2, 2015

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

It's Monday and clouds have gathered this fine morning...

My, it almost looks like the Cloud God is spitting out sunshine all over the place, doesn't it?

Here's the view to the south.

They're telling us we're in for a "cold snap" in L.A. (upper 60s, HA!) with rain tonight (not measurable). Yeah, we struggle to come to an understanding of word "weather" here in Angel City.

But that's why people move here, isn't it? They're tired of "weather" as it is understood elsewhere.

Hope you had a wonderful Halloween weekend. I'm sure all parents of small kids enjoyed having a Saturday Halloween. Probably will happen only once or twice in your youngster's candy-gathering career.

Have a great Monday and a great week.


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