Friday, September 4, 2015

Malibu morning picture of the day - Friday, September 4, 2015

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

As soon as you can leave work today you can start counting it as the Labor Day Weekend. So whenever you get started, have a save one!

Here's the view on the So Cal coast this morning--cool, cloudy, overcast.

There's some sunbreak over the South Bay area there. Lot of surfers on the water this morning at Topanga and Sunset and Surfrider. Guess surf is up today.

Hope you have nice plans for the weekend. Think it's time to work on the cars. Me? I'll be taking my grandkids to IHOP for a belated birthday meal. That'll be the pinnacle experience that I can think of for me (and at my health level, I think that's fine).

I bought a new set of watercolors recently with the audacious idea that I might actually take up my paintbrush and start making art again. We'll see if I can even get them out. Lacking any other inspiration, my initial thought is to do simple illustrations of scenes from my progressive novel that I post on Saturdays in period style.

Speaking of watercolors of Asian scenes, something was brought to my attention recently. If you are thinking to go see a movie this weekend, but are a critic of recent trends in movie comedies as being coarse, unrefined, etc. with all the fart gags, you'll be interested to know that such hilarity has something of a history in Japan, to wit:


Truly a scene worthy of any current Seth Rogen film, no? There is an Edo Period scroll of an elaborate fart battle. Here's another scene:


Oh heck, here's another. I include this one just because it's got naked girls (just like modern comedies).


I am so turned on. Gawd. Find more here on HuffPo.

Anyway, may your Labor Day cookout be at least as nice, but hopefully not as smelly, as the guys are having up in the second pic on the right.

Lovin' you all,

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Be truthful and frank, but be polite. If you use excessive profanity, I'll assume you have some kind of character flaw like Dr. Wong. Tks!