Thursday, August 20, 2015

iT'S STreeT arT THurSDay! and Malibu morning picture - August 20, 2015

Dear Street Art Lovers, and other honored visitors,

Today I return to the same wall we were looking at two weeks ago--you remember, Runboy? With the bare-breasted babe? Kid running with the flag? Over on Santa Monica Blvd. near Highland?

Well, over on the west portion of the wall of that same building has this veritable barf of blue and lavender pie graphs...

Artists DJN8FF and APEXER, Girl with Geometric Hair, paint on concrete.

Not exactly in the Peter Max school of Psychedelia (not glowy enough) but mind blowing still, in a subdued peaceful blue-earth kind of way. Despite the excitement of her hair and the purple flames that comprise her face, this is one blase, bored chick.

The whole affair trails off to the right and points to her nude neighbor ... almost daring to tickler her.

And here is a highly foreshortened version of the entire tableau to give you some kind of context.

The whole shootin' match...
They're an interesting pair: limited palette work on the right, explosion of color on the left, with that grey bare concrete backdrop. Most cool I would say.


Yep, another overcast, marine-layered, cloudy scene of June Glume. And yes, that was a singular beam of light angling down from the clouds to the right. Every other view looks pretty much the same. Thankfully we have today's color up above eh?

Week's almost done folks. Hope yr getting things completed.


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