Thursday, June 25, 2015

iT'S STreeT arT THurSDay! with Malibu morning picture - Thursday, June 25, 2015

Dear Street Art Lovers, Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

OK, got a weird one for you today...

Artists: unattributed but suspected to be LoK and LTSM, Green Girl of Oaxaca, paint on brick.

My first impulse when doing fast drive-by viewings on this mural at Wilton and Melrose was to think, "Oh, Frida Kahlo rendered as a green-skinned Martian. How charming."

But when you get out of your car and study the work, nah, I don't think so. Or if it is supposed to be Kahlo, the artist didn't do a very good job.

I think it's probably just a young Oaxacan Indian woman, or a Latina with some black African heritage judging from the treatment of the hair. I say Oaxacan only because the business that this adorns is Oaxacan, and so it's a guess by association.

It's a little hard to tell, but the model's blouse is rendered in silver paint.

There is no signature on this work, but I'm pretty sure it belongs to the same artist who rendered this work that I posted several months ago.

This same meandering kind of Mayan decorative motif is the backdrop, but the difference is that this character portrayal has been superimposed.

The artist gives the woman this blue and white halo reminiscent of the purple haze of the stylized landscape above.

When you drive west on Melrose, this green woman always catches your eye, probably because she is GREEN, a true person of color.


Got here earlier than usual today, so we caught some purple in the morning clouds. If you look to the southeast, it's more orange-ey.

I think these two pics together make a nice contrast of cool vs. warm.

Hope you're having a good week. Sorry, there was no Malibu picture yesterday since I was not in Malibu. Was working from home and then had to attend a formal dinner held in praise of a successful, famous man in L.A.

That's it for today.


PS: Here's a context shot for you.


  1. Hi there, I'm working on a research project on this piece of street art on the Antequera restaurant and was wondering where you found the other piece with the linear design? Also, do you have any more information on Lok or LSTSM? Thank you!

  2. To Isabela Kelly who left a question where the linear art is to be found that I alluded to earlier. If it hasn't been painted over (street art is such an ephemeral medium!), it would be at Edgemont Street and Fountain Avenue in East Hollywood.


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