Monday, April 13, 2015

Malibu morning picture of the day (and weird stuff from Silverlake) - Monday, April 13, 2015

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

Happy Monday to you all. I wish you a great start to a new week. It's cloudy at the coast today.

I'd give you a second look, but it's all pretty much grey over grey. Instead let me show you some little things I found on the walls near where I get my oil changed at Sunset Junction in Silverlake.

Artist: unattributed, 555 GSA, paint on stucco.
East Hollywood butts up against Silverlake, so I consider Silverlake my turf as well. I was born in a little maternity hospital that sat on the border at Hoover and Santa Monica. It's no longer there, but it was called Park View Hospital.

In 555 GSA here, the imagery is distorted because I was taking this from the street on what seemed to be a private residence. It appeared to be commercial space at one time because it had a parking lot, but it had all the feel of a home.

We have a space theme going here, but the esoteric use of numbers and an acronym or abbreviation on an upside-down heart have all the earmarks of the Scientology vibe to me. I can't put my finger on it, but I know Hubbardite imagery when I see it (I could be wrong). For those of you who don't know, East Hollywood is Mecca for Scientologists. My son-in-law tells me that Tampa is Medina.

Artist: unattributed, Red Medallion,
paint on brick.
And here is more outward-facing art placed on a residence only a few steps away from the above.

The artist actually composed several of these medallions that all sit on the retaining wall of a house leading up a hill.

On a later Thursday I will show you the whole set. but let's just whet our appetites with this teaser.

Public facing murals on obviously occupied homes is rare I think there is a strong impulse among homeowners to NOT do distinctive things to their properties for fear of the neighbors' wrath who are averse to anything possibly detracting from the potential sale price of their homes and attracting lawsuits.

Artist: unattributed, Glyphs, paint on brick.
And here is a mysterious glyph that someone threw up in an empty lot. Pretty cool I think.

It's comforting to know that I live around people with such active and offbeat imaginations (so long as they don't paint these things on my car...)

Oh gee, it's time to get to to work. Have a great week!



  1. SILVERLAKE? I'm not surprised. That part of L.A. has been filled with free-thinking yay-hoos and flaky religious morons from the git-go.

  2. Correction: Medina for Scientology is Clearwater, across the bay. The church essentially owns downtown. LRH took a Hijra to Florida with another dude's girlfriend and on the other dude's dime shortly after WWII. There's a lovely quote about it by L. Sprague de Camp in the wiki on Hubbard.


Be truthful and frank, but be polite. If you use excessive profanity, I'll assume you have some kind of character flaw like Dr. Wong. Tks!