Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Malibu morning picture of the day - Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

The rain has moved on still leaving us in our drought. Supposedly it'll heat up and be back into a rather summery 80s by week's end.

But until then, perhaps we'll continue to have moisture and clouds to break up all the clear blue here--today is just like yesterday.

Low clouds on the horizon--lots of fluff! Same thing in our second look to the east, more sunward.

I caught this feathered friend, a hawk, last week. He/she was about again. Tried to get a picture of spread wings, but you need a much better camera and the luck of a roulette table winner to do that. Anyway, how many of you can catch hawks in flight in your employee parking lot?

In case you're wondering, if these guys take a dump on your car (a hazard if you've got hawks in your parking lot), it's like someone poured a 2-egg omelette out on your vehicle.

That's it for right now. Have a wonderful Tuesday.


Bonus sunset shots from last night going home (it was so dramatic, had to share):

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