Thursday, February 5, 2015

iT'S STreeT arT THurSDay! - Thursday, February 5, 2015

Hello Street Art Lovers!

Today we have a complete different change of pace. There is a small restaurant near my house where hung on the outside walls are these very subtle paintings made to look like ancient paintings executed on slate or stone tablets. Very classy.

Artist unatrributed, Heroic Rider, paint on panel

This restaurant owner could have very easily just commissioned these to be hung inside to be enjoyed only by patrons and the staff, but no he/she put these on the outside facing the parking lot for everyone to enjoy. Thank you on behalf of all of us.

Unattributed, Musicians, paint on panel

Unattributed, Dancing Women, paint on panel
Unattributed, Homage to Ancient Sculpture, paint on panel
The bottom sculptural figures look like kin to
giants of Rananui (Easter Island), no?
Unattributed, Church Towers, paint on panel

We have been looking upon so much art with a palette that is so much more bright and garish than this. This collection of scenes are very subtle and graceful. It's nice to enjoy a whisper out on the street in addition to the usual joyful yell.

I have never gone into this restaurant (that's the problem with establishments that are too close to home--your own fridge is closer and cheaper to eat out of ...). I am going to have to remedy one of these days and ask about the artist. I am going to venture a guess and say that these were painted by a woman as opposed to most everything else we've looked at probably being by males. When I find out, I'll let you know.

If you want to take a look at these or go get some Armenian-Mediterranean food, visit Kavar on Santa Monica, just west of Vermont, on the north side. Bon appetit!


PS Just hanging out with my approx 2-month-old granddaughter in Tampa, Florida.

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