Thursday, November 20, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dear Family, Friends, and Gentle Readers,

It's Thursday and we are back to white clouds in light blue sky, over a dark blue ocean--exactly as a 1st grader with crayons will draw it...

OK, so maybe my granddaughter will make the white clouds a little more fluffy, but this is your standard Platonic-form seascape. Hardly gets more normative than this unless you put a sailboat and/or the Queen Mary and a few gulls into the picture.

Here's a second view from today. Fluffier clouds, but still not the cotton-candy type.

I'm going to try to remember to do this, on Thursdays, so forgive me if I forget, but I am designating Thursdays as my showcase day for a selection from the fictional Hell's Edge Museum of East Hollywood Street Art.

Untitled swirl, Anonymous, 2014, spray paint on concrete, Los Angeles.
I presume this is by the same artist who painted last week's skull mural, since it is from the same wall near Kaiser Edgemont. An improbable palette of whitish-yellow and sky-blue on a hot-maroon background. It may be unfinished yet, with the light yellow eventually going to lemon. That is probably a signature at the bottom (TUS). We'll see if we find this artist's mark elsewhere as the collection proceeds.

At first glance, you think this is rather random, but the artist firmly roots the viewer on the ground by giving you several horizontal platforms. It is luxuriant growth swirling about a solid foundation.

Whoever they are, they spent a lot of time and money on this, making an alley with sleeping drunks in it pretty damn vibrant. FTW.

Have a wonderful Thursday!


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