Thursday, October 16, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Thursday, October 16, 2014

Happy Thursday to you all,

Here's your picture...

Got here today earlier than usual. They were just opening up the daily can of sunshine. I think it's only
going to get brighter folks.

Continuing the horizon to the right...

And for some reason this week, the deer keep showing up in my regular place where I stand and shoot. They're getting more comfortable with me and only half of them run away.

When they go "full alert" on you they put up their ears like Mickey Mouse. I think they look ludicrous that way. You can really smell when you've entered a space that they've just occupied. They have a distinctive odor. If I can smell them, I imagine to a mountain lion it's like sizzling steak on a hot grill, eh?

Pardon me if I use up all these deer pictures this week. It's so "tourist" in Malibu to take pictures of deer.

They're really like pigeons in Pershing Square. One colleague takes a look at the things and says: "Gophers on stilts, loaded with lyme disease; be glad they stay away from you"--truly a man who appreciates the true circle of life.


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