Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Good morning,

It's a blue Wednesday in Malibu today. You've seen this before. Nothing for the "notable file"; just adding it to the data stream.

There are high winds blowing out of the canyon this morning. Maybe 45 mph? The winds are dry and hot, so there's hardly any ambient moisture. You step into the A/C office building and realize you're sweating a lot.

I moved to a slightly different viewpoint here. You can barely see the peninsula. The red smog buildup is just waiting out there.

When you're walking uphill against the winds it feels like someone pushing you back, not hard, but consistent. I think we're in a pattern here until Friday. They don't put up the flags here if it's too gusty. Yesterday the flags were flying straight out. If it's still blowing hard tomorrow, I'll experiment with video and post it (they're memory hogs though).

On the bus this morning coming up the road, the ocean was silver-white. By the time I got to campus, the phenomenon had ended. Too bad. It only happens for a few minutes on clear days near sunrise and sunset.

As I said yesterday, the ocean seems like a grassy field sometimes. I cropped this one to focus on the seeming pathways and swatches that appear on the surface. I'm sure if you're out there on a boat, you just see wavy water...

Have a great day.


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