Friday, April 18, 2014

Malibu morning picture of the day - Good Friday, April 18, 2014

Good morning gentle readers and all those just curious about what the sky over the Pacific coast looks like day by day!

I keep thinking we're going into total repetition mode, but something about pointing lousy little camera phone in the same direction every day always seems to get something just a little bit different.

The first one is your basic grey-on-grey with texture. May and June are coming--this is what most mornings in those months look like. Let's see if the prediction for 2014 holds out...

The next couple you get when you point into Malibu Canyon. It looks like the clouds are tearing apart at the seams. I'm not an earth scientist, but I suspect "rip" in the clouds goes down the canyon, mirroring the rip in the canyon terrain.

I mention the canyon. My "diploma factory" sits at the end of Malibu Canyon. It's a wind tunnel that funnels Santa Ana Winds in fire season, and is why the school has been shut down at least three times in the 21 years I've worked here as wild fires made their way down to the sea.

More about that in a later blog post. As the days lengthen, I'll stop and take a couple of photos from the canyon road so you can see what you've got to drive through to get here if you don't come via the coast road.

That's it for this week from the 'Bu. Happy Easter. Tune in tomorrow (or maybe Sunday) for the next chapter of the adventures of Clete Wong on Dog Island.

Today's my Dadd's birthday; he's still alive. (He never reads my stuff--he'd be ashamed of all the profanity I put in my characters' mouths ... so it's just as well.) Happy birthday Baba.


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Be truthful and frank, but be polite. If you use excessive profanity, I'll assume you have some kind of character flaw like Dr. Wong. Tks!